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Declining for two years in a row of global per capita steel consumption

2016-08-16 14:32:21

Based on the annual statistics from The World Steel Association, the global per capita apparent consumption of finished steel in 2015 has declining for two consecutive years, which decreases to 208.2 kilograms, 4.1% decreased comparing with the volume of 217.1 kilograms of last year and 4.4% decreased comparing with the volume of 217.8 kilograms in 2013. However, the consumption of 2015 is still higher than that of 2012.

In Asia, there is a sharp decline of China’s average consumption of steel in 2015. The average consumption of steel in Japan and Taiwan decline to 497.3 kilograms and 750.6 kilograms respectively. On the contrary, the consumption of India and South Korea keep growing and India reaches its highest record of 60.6 kilograms. However, it still fails to reach the level of one-third of the global average. South Korea maintains the top of the global average consumption of steel, which reaches 1113.6 kilograms. But it is still lower than the consumption of 1207.4 kilograms in 2008.

In America, the average consumption of steel of North America and Central and South America both decline. The average consumption of steel of USA, Canada and Brail decrease to 297.4 kilograms, 404.6 kilograms and 102.6 kilograms respectively. Mexico and Argentina keeps growing, which increase to 190.6 kilograms and 121 kilograms.

In European Union, the average consumption of steel reaches 303.5 kilograms in 2015, which maintains increasing for three consecutive years. But it is still lower than the volume of 311.6 kilograms in 2011.

Africa keeps increasing for 5 consecutive years, which reaches 33.1 kilograms in 2015. But it is still the lowest average consumption of steel in the world.