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هاربين قوس قزح المحدودة للتكنولوجياعنوان:C2-02 هاندي البناء، Songbei الأمم المتحدة Distr. ...اتصل الآن

An overview of North American Fastener Market

North American Fastener Market and Distribution

The North American fastener deman was13.45 bilion in 2005 an increase from the 12.65 billion in 2000 and is forecasted to grow to 6.05 bilon by 2010. In 2010 the worldwide demand is expected to be 55 bllion. Bossard studied the
u.s. market several years ago and it reflected that the metric part of the U.s. market in 2000 was between 24% to 26% and was growing at a slightly faster rate than the inch market. Their study also reflected that about 55%, market of 7.8 billion dollars, was through distribution.

 Now I want to return back to the world marke and the forecast indicates the biggest growth in the next 5 years will be in the Asia/Pacific market and that China is expected to replace Japan as the second largest fastener market outside the u.s.