It’s coming up, Manufacturing Day (aka MFG Day), is only a few months away. What is Manufacturing Day? It’s “a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. “By opening doors, Manufacturing Day opens minds to the changes in the industrial fields and educates students, parents, educators, politicians and anyone willing to listen about the importance of manufacturing. This year’s Manufacturing Day is happening October 7th and even though that might seem like the distant future right now, time flies by when you’re planning an event for your company, organization or city! Between now and October, MFG Day will be keeping you up to speed with all news related to this year’s MFG Day events so be sure to subscribe to theirnewsletter and frequently visit their website. The web team has been working throughout the winter and spring to make the website function better for all visitors, including:
- The online event registration form which now allows hosts to define time slots for accepting visitors and determining a maximum number of visitors for each slot. This makes the attendee registration process more automated thus saving you time and energy that would have otherwise been spent monitoring your registrations to make sure you didn’t accept more visitors than you could handle. As you reach your defined visitor limit, registration will automatically close.
- Check out the newly reorganized Resource section. Now newly redefined, the resources are available based on the type of audience that will be best served by each resource item. With shorter lists of resources to scroll through, it will be easier to find what you need.
- Event filters. Visitors to the website can now filter events so they can view all events, only events open to the public or only virtual events. This search process will be further enhanced later this summer when a site visitor will be able to put in their location and track all events within a defined distance of their location.
Rock MFG DAY Kit Updated for 2016 Last year more than 750 events used the FREE Rock MFG DAY Kit. Edge Factor and its educational division, eduFactor, are back as Strategic Content Partner this year with a new Rock MFG DAY Kit for MFG Day 2016! The kit includes 20+ different multimedia components to this package and whether you use one, two or all of them, this kit is the secret sauce to a more dynamic and exciting event for your visitors – especially the students. LEARN MORE & SUBSCRIBE.
Three Gold Sponsors from SME Return MFG DAY welcomes back three returning Gold sponsors – SME, the SME Education Foundation, and Tooling U-SME. SME and its divisions have provided support for MFG DAY since 2013 and continue to enhance their participation through local events planned by SME chapters around North America. If you know students that want to pursue post-secondary manufacturing studies, be sure to let them know that the SME Education Foundation has listed several of its scholarship programs on VIEW SCHOLARSHIPS.
Growth takes off! Over the four years of MFG Day, the growth has skyrocketed. From 240 events hosting 7,500 visitors in 2012 to 2,600 events and 400,000+ guests in 2015, the word is spreading. This year, MFG Day has set a goal of 3,000 events. This goal can only be met if every event that takes place is registered on the official list at, so if you’re hosting, register your event! Whether you simply invite the friends and family members of your employees or the entire community, your event should be on the calendar. It will only take 5-7 minutes to put your event on the map. As of this date there are already 202 events listed. Join them by opening doors and minds to manufacturing!