Standard fasteners
1,fastenerStandard product dimensions: the content of the specific provisions of the basic dimensions of the product; threaded products, including basic thread dimensions, thread ending, from the shoulder, undercuts and chamfers, outer threaded part of the end of the size and other aspects.
2, the fastener product technology standard conditions. Specific and includes the following content criteria:
a) fastener product tolerances Standards: dimensions specified tolerances and geometric tolerances content area.
b) fastenersmechanicalStandard performance: mechanical performance levels specified product labeling method and the mechanical properties of the content and requirements of the project; some fastener products will be changed to the contents of this product content material properties or work performance.
Standard c) surface defects fastener product areas: surface defects specified product categories and specific content requirements and other aspects.
d) surface treatment standard fasteners products: Surface treatment specified content types and specific requirements and so on.
e) fastener product testing aspects of the standard: the above performance requirements specified in terms of the content of the test.
3, the fastener product acceptance inspection, marking and packaging standards: specify project eligibility checks at the level of product quality and factory acceptance sampling plan, methods and content and packaging requirements of the product logo.
4, standard fastener product marking methods: the specific provisions of the complete product marking methods and simplified methods of marking content.
5, fastener standards in other areas: such as terminology standard fasteners, fastener product weight standards